Registration is now open for Fall 2024! T-Ball, Rookies, Minors, Majors, and Juniors are open. Games start September 9 and are played on Sundays.
Our current program offerings are listed below;
2024 Fall Season
Tee ball (4-6), Rookies (6-8), Minors (8-10), Majors (10-12) Divisions $95.00
Juniors (12-14) Division $115.00
You can print out the necessary registration forms here;
medical waiver english.pdf
concussion information sheet.pdf
parent code of conduct.pdf
mcll photo release.pdf
If you're unsure of the division your child should play in, the league age chart is below;
Little League Age determination Chart
The acceptable proofs of residency can be found below;
Proof of Residency- Required forms